Before leaving home

  1. Make sure I have my notes
  2. Get some whiteboard markers, at least 2 colors
  3. Have stickies

At beginning of workshop

  1. Turn on Do-Not-Disturb (phone + computer)
  2. Clear desktop, download the data, and save in folders on desktop
  3. Close as many running programs as possible
  4. Open up Socrative
  5. Make sure Dropbox is running
  6. Terminal
    1. Run the script in the ~/Documents/Teaching/Software Carpentry/Scripts/ (Ask James for this)
    2. Run source .bash_profile (Ask James for this)
    3. Enable recording to Dropbox: record Harvard2016 shell.txt # (Folder, filename inside Dropbox)
    4. Change the terminal profile to something more readable
  7. Setup etherpad/whiteboard
    1. Add link to course website
    2. Add setup instructions
    3. Add links to dropbox follow-along file and any datasets

Workshop introduction