Import the Socrative quiz bank for this module with SOC-46399671

Before the workshop starts

  1. Turn on Do-Not-Disturb (phone + computer)
  2. Clear desktop, download the data, and save on desktop
  3. Close as many running programs as possible
  4. Open up Socrative and login to the teacher tools
  5. Open up etherpad, and the course website
  6. Make sure Dropbox is running
  7. Screen share the etherpad TODO list: (workshop website, etherpad, introduce yourself, choose breakout room, install packages/test software, pre-workshop survey)

Workshop introduction (5 minutes)

Intro to Zoom (20 minutes)

---------- Socrative #1 ----------: Test everything in Zoom

Publication-quality graphics

Background R (10 minutes)

ggplot Introduction (60 minutes)

Question: How many of you have made a plot in R? How many of you have used ggplot?

---------- Socrative #2 ----------: Modify a ggplot graph

---------- Socrative #3 ----------: Color by continent & add separate trends

Publication (15 minutes)

---------- Socrative #4 ----------: Optional build new plot & make pub quality

Saving (10 minutes)

---------- Socrative #5 ----------: Optional ggsave & ggplot variables

Facets (15 minutes)

---------- Socrative #6 ----------: Optional Facets, facet by year, color by continent

Cowplot (10 minutes)

Interactive graphs (5 minutes)

Themes (10 minutes)

GGplot2 Challenge #1:

GGplot2 Challenge #2:
